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20-Day Detox & Cleanse Combo Pack


The 20-Day Natural Organic Herbal Detox & Cleanse Program, also known as Colon Flush or Colon Hydrotherapy.

You must clean the gut first, then only the blood. This is crucial!
According to research, all disease starts in the gut—physical and mental! Do a detox and cleanse every 3 months for optimal health and wellness. The colon needs to be cleansed first, and then the blood last. This procedure applies to all physical diseases and mental health issues.

“90% of all illness is psychosomatic illness; the other 10% is inherited.”
Hippocrates: “All diseases start in the gut—physical and mental.”
Dr. Otto Warburg: “Oxygen deprivation is the main cause of all disease.”
Hippocrates: “If you are not your own doctor, you’re a fool.”
Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food.”

It’s all about the colon! You must clean the colon first and then the bloodstream. The gut is also called the second brain. “All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates

Antioxidants abound in these natural botanicals to help your body naturally detoxify. Much of our food is treated with artificial chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides (where organic produce comes to the rescue), and we are surrounded by environmental toxins—not to mention the toxins we take in through bad habits.

Additionally, our high-stress lives can also be toxic to our bodies by creating overly acidic blood, which many naturopaths believe is a forerunner to disease. Detoxing the major internal organs can help treat chronic illness, allergies, skin conditions, and many other symptoms of poor health.

At the Herbal Clinic & Wellness Center, we have a range of pure, naturally-derived botanicals known to spring-clean the body and help its waste disposal.

For those more mechanically minded, think of it as an oil change. Detoxing is a prime example of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” A clean body is a strong and healthy body. The bowel is arguably the most important place to start, as it is, to put it bluntly, our sewage system and needs to be kept clear to work efficiently.

The liver appreciates periodic cleansing too! Other channels of elimination—the kidneys, lungs, and skin—also benefit from a detox and cleanse. If any part of your digestive system goes out of whack, the entire body can be affected.

But what exactly is the gut, and what does it do?
When we say the ‘gut,’ we’re referring to the entire digestive tract, from mouth to anus. Within this system, there are many organs, such as the stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, and pancreas, that work together to ensure whatever goes into the body is broken down (digested), moved into the bloodstream (absorbed), and utilized or eliminated as needed. Colon waste gets dumped into the bloodstream, which circulates the body nine times per minute. The waste gets dropped into every cell of the body, causing disease!

When healing the gut, it is very important to stop all irritants like wheat, dairy, refined sugar, alcohol, and cigarettes. These only add more fuel to an irritated gut. Opt for good probiotic foods; they are for life! Add fermented foods to help restore gut flora. If you don’t clean your colon, you will not get well, as the waste keeps leaking into the bloodstream. Clean the waste from the colon and get all the toxins and chemicals out so that the body can heal itself! Repeat every 3 months for optimal health and well-being.

We get sick from all the processed foods we eat. Obesity is storing your own waste!
Clean your colon and rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals.

Parasites hide among heavy metals within the body to avoid detection by the immune system. Heavy metals can create a parasite-loving, acidic, and anaerobic environment within the body. When toxins and heavy metals are excreted, parasites are no longer able to thrive within the body. When the metals, pathogens, and toxins are removed, parasites often follow! Toxins affect your vital systems.

Full-Body Detox for Prescription Drugs
(Dr. Janine Bowring, Naturopathic)
Do a full-body detox for targeting prescription drugs.
Dr. Janine suggests doing a full-body detox at least four times a year using herbal medicines to cleanse all internal organs. Anecdotal evidence shows the liver is 100% crucial for recovery.

Antibiotic Drugs’ Effect on Gut Health
It takes the gut 6 months to recover after a 5-day antibiotic course (Z-Pak).
Cipro, commonly given to women for UTIs, takes the gut 12 months to recover.
The longer the course, the longer it will take the gut to recover.
This messes up the gut microbiome.

Heavy Metal Toxicity in Children
Studies show that moms pass their own toxicity to babies in utero.
The food, chemicals in your home, water, and skincare could hurt your child.

Be positive and optimistic!
Stress causes the most damage to your health; it is most counterproductive!
Stress makes you fat by raising cortisol levels and causing insulin resistance.

“Don’t abdicate responsibility for your health to anyone else. Take personal responsibility. When you do, you will appreciate that you have choices—your life will become empowered.”
(Roddy MacDonald, Founder of Water for Health)

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm
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20-Day Detox & Cleanse Combo Pack
